Thursday, July 12, 2012

Watch Her Grow

This Week's Focus: Language

Interactions with Materials

  • Q-ball has really enjoyed just standing around in her Learning Tower. It has really helped me get things done in the kitchen as we used to struggle through dinner cooking with her at my feet, very upset with the situation.  She doesn't really get involved with me cooking yet.  She just likes to put a book on the counter and read it or play with my keys (the key hook is next to the Learning Tower.) 
  • She is still practicing taking lids on and off of jars and containers.  She gets frustrated with the task when she cannot master it, so we still need a little practice. At times, I have had to take away some of the containers as her frustrations indicate they are clearly above her current abilities.
Interactions with Others
Daddy made homemade ice cream for the 4th of July!
  • Her uncle visited this week, and they had a wonderful time together! Sadly, he had to leave this morning, and she was obviously aware of this. She was quite upset and resistant to get close to him.  Transitions are getting tough!
  • As with the above example, Q-ball is increasingly upset with Daddy when he gets home from work. Daddy is already gone for work when Q-ball wakes up, so we think she is upset with him for being gone all day.  We were lucky to have a few weeks recently where Q-ball spent more time with Daddy, and I think this change is making her sad.
    Interactions with Space
    • She is dancing all of the time!  I am getting more music CDs from the library, and she spends quite a bit of time standing in front of the CD player, making the sign for music, and then dancing and clapping.  It's certainly helped with bedtime!
    Interactions with Life 
    • She's continuing her interest in learning signs.  We've gotten several books from the library, and she loves reading them and practicing the new signs with us.

    This post is linked up with Melissa from Vibrant Wanderings. Check out the links to see what other fantastic kiddos are up to!
    To see the rational and purpose for the Watch Her Grow series, please check out this post!

    1 comment:

    1. The older she gets, the more her personality shines through and I can only imagine how much fun that must be for you - it's tons of fun to watch from afar! The tower is the best thing that has ever happened to parents who like to cook. So glad you're enjoying relaxed dinner prep time!


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